WordPress Data Guard (WordPress Guard) protects the WordPress Based Websites from the unauthorized robotic attacks, content and image copying. You can block the right click usage, text-selection, image drag-n-drop on your website, so that no data theft problems could be raised.
![Wordpress Data Guard [Website Life Insurance]](http://originaltipstricks.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/wordpress-data-guard-pro-logo-3d.png)
In terms of User-Level Restriction, WordPress Data Guard is World’s First WordPress Plugin, that allows you to enable security as per the Site’s Access Level of the User. You can choose separate restriction settings for everyone, whether Registered Users, Subscribers, Authors or the Administrators. Rest everyone else will be restricted.

- Disables Right Click
- Disables Text Selection
- Disables Image Drag and Drop
- User-Level Based Restriction Settings
- Protection from Robotic Attacks
- Search engine friendly URLs and Content
- Provides 360 Degree protection Shield for contents, images drag-n-drop, bandwidth-stealing, fraud-clicks, robots, spam, bad-bots
- Encodes links, contents, pages and posts for the robots
- Free SEO Support and Lifetime Upgrade*
- Easy Installation
Price : WordPress Data Guard is available in 3 licenses.
1. 1 Site License – $35
2. 5 Sites License – $140
3. Unlimited Sites License – $640
You can purchase the License from below :
For any queries or feedback regarding the plugin, please email us at support@originaltips.com
* Limited period offer.