I received many queries from our readers asking about some method by which they can verify configuration of their system. Though I replied them one by one, but then I decided to write an article about it, so that more and more people can take benefit from it.
Speccy is a System Software, which provides full statistics about every hardware along with their Brand and Manufacturers.
For example, Speccy displays full information about,
* Motherboard,
* RAM (Random Access Mamory)
* HDD (Hard Disks) with RPM
* Graphics Card (Both Internal and External)
* Audio support
* Keyborads and Mouse
* Optical Drives and, every hardware of the computer.
Speccy for Windows Showing System SummarySpeccy for Windows Showing RAM SpecificationsSpeccy for Windows Showing CPU Specifications
Speccy also provides the temperature details about system hardware, so that the components could be saved from overheat.
Though this application helps a lot to the experienced users and administrators, but it can also help the normal users in daily life.
e.g. Before buying more RAM for your computer, you can see how much memory is installed, and how many extra slots it has.
Speccy is available in many languages, and can be installed on all Windows Operating Systems (32-Bit and 64-Bit).
Speccy for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit
To download Speccy, you can visit their official website (http://www.piriform.com/speccy).
After using many mobile operating systems, I can say that there is no comparison to the Android Devices, whether Mobile Phones or Tablets.
Solution for Android Market “There are no android phones associated with this account”
Even Google’s operated Android Market is world’s 2nd largest App-Store. But some of the users aren’t able to access and download apps from the Android Market. When they try to do login onto the Android Market Website, the following error pops-up on their device screen :
“There are no Android phones associated with this account. Please sign in with a different account.”
What is the problem ? : First of all let me clarify that, this problem is not from Google. However this error comes because our android devices are not listed on the Android Market Website.
Solution : To do so you need to add your device to the market website.
1. First of all you need to go to your Mobile Phone and Open Gmail App.
2. Now add a new Gmail account from which you want to access the Market Website.
3. When the new account setup gets completed, visit open Market App on your android Device.
4. Select new Gmail account from the options menu
5. Download 1 or 2 apps so that your device gets added to the Market website.
6. Now Sign-out from the computer and Re-Login after 2-3 hours. You will see that your device is there is My Market Account – Settings Page.
The below video can help you in much better way.
If still you can’t add your device to the Android Market Website, then please read (https://support.google.com/androidmarket/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1141080).
If you want to upload any video on youtube, which is longer than 15 minutes, then upload it. But once you upload that video, Youtube will show you a message “This video has been removed because it is too long. Sorry about that.”
This video has been removed because it is too long. Sorry about that.
This problem occurs with the unverified youtube users. Unverified users can only upload videos of length upto 15 Minutes. So to bypass this limit, you need to have a verified youtube account.
Here is the procedure of verifying your youtube account:
1. Log into your youtube account. Then click on Upload button.
3. Enter your mobile phone number into the relevant text-box.
Increase Youtube video uploading limit
4. After submitting the mobile phone number, you’ll receive a text-message from Google, which will contain a verification code. Enter that verification code as shown below.
Increase Youtube video uploading limit
Now your Youtube account is verified, and you can upload videos of more than 15 minutes length.
We receive number of emails from our subscribers asking, “What is the difference between 32-Bit (x86) and 64-Bit (x64) processors” ?
32Bit vs 64Bit
Well, after running a survey, we found it surprising that many of the people are confused about which type of computer should they purchase, what bit system they require!
I think this article may help those, who want to choose a correct machine, according to their usage.
As per our survey, most of the people are running 32 Bit operating systems. But as the hardware is going cheaper, their curiosity is also increasing about working with 64 Bit operating system. Now lets take a look at the differences between the 32-Bit and 64-Bit OS.
1. 32-Bit operating systems can run on both 32-Bit processors and 64-Bit processors, while 64-Bit OS can only be run on 64-Bit processor. 64-Bit processors handles larger chunks of data as compared to 32-Bit processors. This is the only reason that they are very fast as compared to the 32-Bit.
2. In a 32-Bit Operating system, the maximum RAM could be used is 3GB, while in 64-Bit Operating systems you can use as much RAM as you want (Starting from 4GB to 256TB). If you have installed more than 3GB RAM in the 32-Bit Operating System, then its properties will show something like this,
Screenshot on 32-Bit Operating System with 4GB RAM.
4GB Ram in 32-Bit Operating System (4GB Installed, 3GB Usable)
Screenshot on 64-Bit Operating System with 8GB RAM.
8GB Ram in 64-Bit Operating System (8GB Installed, 8GB Usable)
3. Although you can run most of the 32-Bit applications on 64-Bit system, but there are many programs which needs to be 64-Bit if you want to run them on a 64-Bit system. However in opposite to this, 64-Bit programs can’t be run on 32-Bit OS.
4. Earlier 64-Bit OS driver support was poor, due to which people were facing compatibility issues. But now most of the companies are developing two versions of each application (32-Bit and 64-Bit). So there is no need to worry about the compatibility in 64-Bit OS.
If you don’t use hevay applications and 3GB RAM is sufficient for you, then you should use a 32-Bit operating system. But if you use heavy and graphical applications like AutoCAD, Video Editors, Heavy Programming IDEs then using 64-Bit Operating system can give a lot of benefits.
You can also install most of the 32-Bit applications (not all) on 64-Bit Operating System. When you do that there will be two directories for the installed program files.
For example : In Windows 7 (64-Bit), you will see “Program Files” and “Program Files (x86)”. x86 is an alias for 32-Bit operating system.
We are receiving number of emails from our users saying that they can’t add more people to their circles in Google Plus.
Whenever they are adding new people to the circle, the below message is displayed :
You’ve reached the maximum number of people that can be in your circles at this time.
Google+ Limit : You've reached the maximum number of people that can be in your circles at this time
Our support technicians have found that this happens due to the individual’s activeness for his Google+ account, but in total you can add only 5000 friends.
1. If the Individual has just created his account with Google+, then he can only add few hundred people to his circle in 1 day.
2. If he uses Google+ a lot and adds people to his circle on a daily basis, then there is a limit of 5000 friends.
So, when an active user has added 5000 people to his circle then this error message will be displayed to him, and he won’t be able to add more people to his circle.
If you have less than 5000 Friends in Google Plus, then limitation is for a couple of days, which will automatically get extended by looking at the activeness of that user. So, you need to wait for a couple of days, to add more friends.
We are constantly doing the experiments to find out more solutions of this limitation.
If you have any suggestions/comments for the same, then please write them below.
What are Facebook Fan Pages?
Well, as the name signifies, Facebook Fan Pages are just like groups, which could be joined by anyone if the subject and matter suits his mind.
Most of us use this service from facebook, but there could be a situation to delete any specific fan page.
So here is the method to delete that facebook page from your account.
1. First of all login to your facebook account.
2. Now click on the Ads and Pages (present in left side).
3. Now, you will see list of all the pages created by you.
4. Then click on the Edit link.
5. Just below the page’s name (on the top), there is a link to Delete. Click on that Delete link. And then your page will get deleted.
Note : this this deletion will be be recovered again.
Kisan Baburao Hazare is a social activist popularly knows as “Anna Hazare”, was born on 15/06/1937, in Bhingar, Bombay Province, British India.
Anna Hazare - A Brief History
Anna Hazare was awarded the Padma Bhushan (3rd Largest Civilian Award by Government of India), for his contribution towards the development of Ralegan Siddhi Village and making it as a model village.
Anna Hazare - A Brief History
Prohibition of Alcohol
Grain Bank
Stopping the Sale and use of tobacco products in his village
Removal of untouchability
Spreading the education
Water-shed Development program
Milk production
Amendment of the Gram Sabha Act
Promoting collective marriages
Launching the Right to Information movement in Maharashtra and anti-corruption protests
Anna Hazare gave his 12 year of honorable service to Indian Army, and after the retirement, he returned Ralegan Siddhi, and took a number of social projects e.g.
Conditions of India went much worse due to the corruption and Black Money (Indian Money Deposited by the Famous Politicians into Banks in Italy and Switzerland). Anna Hazare told that, Corruption has spread in India as never before and that too in just 7 years.
Anna Hazare - A Brief History
So, Anna Hazare and a few team members of Campaign-India Against Corruption (N. Santosh Hedge – Former Justice of the Supreme Court of India & Lokayukta of Karnataka with Prashant Bhushan – A senior lawyer in the Supreme Court) prepared a draft called Jan Lokpal Bill (People’s Ombudsman Bill), which will provide more power and strict provisions to the Lokpal.
Anna Hazare - A Brief History
But as the draft got rejected by the Indian National Congress (The Ruling Political Party in India at that time), Anna started an Indefinite Fast at Jantar Mantar stating “I will fast until the Jan Lokpal Bill is passed.”
Anna Hazare - A Brief History
The Jan-Lokpal movement attracted Media and thousands of people came to support Anna Hazare. The movement was also started in several other countries (like US and UK) in support of Anna Hazare.
Anna Hazare - A Brief HistoryAnna Hazare - A Brief History
After looking at the seriousness of the public, Indian National Congress Government accepted all demands of the movement, and on the very next day they issued a notification to form a joint standing committee, which will work on passing the Jan-Lokpal Bill.
Update (4 Dec 2011) : The standing committee formed by Indian National Congress has prepared a Lokpal bill which is completely different from the original one, what they promised to pass. Anna admitted “The government have betrayed us”. And due to this Anna has decided to start his Indefinite fast again from 27th December. Team Anna has also started a Car Rally in Delhi, as an announcement to his fast.
What is the need for Cache ? : Google saves a snapshot and copy of web pages in their servers, which could be accessed offline. There are lot of benefits of this cache. For example, one can vie the web page if the main server is down and so on.
Earlier this cache link was visible on the google search results page, and now its not. But it doesn’t mean that google has removed the Cache link from their website, instead, they have moved this option in the page preview.
To access the cached copy of a web page in google,
1. Search in google. (e.g. original tips)
2. On the search results page, click on forward button and then click on the Cached link to see the cached copy of that web page.
There is another method for getting the cached copy of a web page.
perform query in google search with,
And this query will take you directly to the cached copy of the webpage.
So now you can open a cached copy of any web page, anytime.
Enjoy! 🙂
Google has challenged facebook with their new service Google Plus. If you have created an account with Google Plus, then you can get the SMS notifications for the updates from your friends and circles (At present this service is only available in India and United States).
2. Now click onto the Add phone number option, choose your country, enter your mobile number in the provided textfield, and click on Send verification code button.
3. Wait for a minute to get the verification code on your mobile phone.
4. Now verify the code by entering in the relevant textfield. Select the SMS option, and it’s done. Now you will get Google+ SMS notifications on your mobile phone.
5. You can change the SMS notifications preferences for the following.
Whenever someone mentions you in a post
Shares any post directly with you
Comments on a post, created by you
Comments on a post/photo, where you have also commented
Whenever someone adds you to any Google+ circle
Someone wants to tag a photo of you
Tags you in any picture
Comments on a photo, where you’re tagged
Comments on a photo, you tagged
Countries :
At present, this service is available in following Countries.