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Receive Google Plus Notifications on your Mobile Phone via SMS

Google has challenged facebook with their new service Google Plus. If you have created an account with Google Plus, then you can get the SMS notifications for the updates from your friends and circles (At present this service is only available in India and United States).

To do that,

1. Go to Google Plus Settings page

Google Plus SMS Notifications-1a

2. Now click onto the Add phone number option, choose your country, enter your mobile number in the provided textfield, and click on Send verification code button.

3. Wait for a minute to get the verification code on your mobile phone.

4. Now verify the code by entering in the relevant textfield. Select the SMS option, and it’s done. Now you will get Google+ SMS notifications on your mobile phone.

5. You can change the SMS notifications preferences for the following.

  • Whenever someone mentions you in a post
  • Shares any post directly with you
  • Comments on a post, created by you
  • Comments on a post/photo, where you have also commented
  • Whenever someone adds you to any Google+ circle
  • Someone wants to tag a photo of you
  • Tags you in any picture
  • Comments on a photo, where you’re tagged
  • Comments on a photo, you tagged

Google Plus SMS Notifications-2a

Countries :

At present, this service is available in following Countries.

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Algeria
  3. Angola
  4. Bahrain
  5. Cameroon
  6. Ghana
  7. India
  8. Indonesia
  9. Iraq
  10. Israel
  11. Jordan
  12. Kazakhstan
  13. Kenya
  14. Kuwait
  15. Liberia
  16. Malawi
  17. Maldives
  18. Mozambique
  19. Nigeria
  20. Philippines
  21. Saudi Arabia
  22. Senegal
  23. Sierra Leone
  24. Sri Lanka
  25. Tanzania
  26. Thailand
  27. Tunisia
  28. Uganda
  29. United States
  30. Uzbekistan
  31. Zambia
Computers General Awereness Internet Virals Main Portable Drives Tablet PCs Technology

New Aakash 2 Tablet PC Price in India : Ubislate 7 & Ubislate 7+ (Plus) Booking & Reviews | Rs. 2500 & Rs.3000

Ultimately after a long delay, Aakash (Ubislate 7 or Sakshat) and Ubislate 7 Plus Tablet – The lowest price Tablet PC has been launched to the public.

Aakash 2 (Ubislate 7 or Sakshat) and Ubislate 7 Plus Tablet PC

Akash Tablet was announced in 2010 with the Price tag of $35, and was supposed to hit the market by January 2011. Unfortunately Project got delayed due to several reasons like testing and all, but it’s here now. The public version of Aakash is now available for purchase.

Aakash 2 (Ubislate 7) Tablet PC Advertisement

Akash Tablet is jointly developed by the London based company DataWind and Students of IIT-Rajasthan, and manufactured by an India based company Quad at its Hyderabad production center. The older version of Aakash Tablet (Ubislate 7) was suffering from bugs like overheating (within 30 minutes), lack of support for all formats, poor sound quality etc. So Datawind launched an upgraded version of Akash (Ubislate 7) Tablet by the name Ubislate 7 Plus.


Ubislate 7+ – Upgraded version of Aakash Tablet (Ubislate 7)
Ubislate 7+ - Upgraded version of Aakash Tablet (Ubislate 7) - New Aakash 2 Tablet PC


Older version of Aakash Tablet (Ubislate 7)

Sakshat Tablet - The lowest price android tablet pc in world


Features of Akash Tablet (Ubislate 7) :

Akash tablet is equipped with Android 2.2 OS, 366 Mhz processor with HD Video processor and Graphics accelerator. It has 256MB RAM along with 2GB Flash memory. Akash tablet supports external storage from 2GB to 32GB.

While talking about the network, it provides Wi-Fi connectivity. Akash also has 2 standard USB slots in it, so that you can plu your Pen-Drive or a USB-Dongle into it.

Akash Tablet has 7″ screen TFT display and 800×480 pixels resolution with resistive touch-screen input.

Akash tablet has a 3.5mm standard audio jack. Bettery backup of Akash tablet is about 3 hours.

Features of Unislate 7 Plus (Upgraded version of Ubislate 7 Tablet) :

Ubislate 7+ is an upgraded version of Akash, which has 700 MHz processor, and GPRS/SIM Card slot in it (Integrated Mic/Speaker), along with all the features of Akash Tablet.

In both the versions of Ubislate 7 Tablet, there is a separate browser application given for internet browsing (named UbiSurfer), and Youtube video streaming.

You can also read and write all Office documents (like DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, ODP, ODT) in both the tablets.

Supported video formats are MPEG4, AVI, FLV, MPEG2.
Supported Music Audio formats are MP3, WAV, AC3, AAC, WMA.


Other features of these Tablets include,

  • Open Office
  • Zip-Unzip feature
  • SciLab
  • Full HTML Internet browsing with full support of JavaScript and flash plugins
  • Multimedia content in a variety of formats (pdf, docx, ods, adp, xls, jpeg, gif,png, bmp, odt, zip, AVCHD, AVI, AC3)
  • 80% shock resistant

There are many rumors around regarding the components used in this Tablet PC, for example Cheap and low quality hardware etc. But I think, we are not paying a high amount to buy this Tablet PC, and at this price tag this is the best Tablet, whole over the world.


How to Buy Ubislate 7 Tablet PCs :

You can order Aakash Tablet (Ubislate 7 – Android 2.2) at just Rs.2500, while the upgraded version Ubislate 7+ (Android 2.3) could be booked at Rs.2999. However same tablet is available for students at just Rs.1000.

Click here
to order Akash Tablet (Ubislate 7) online.

If you have any query regarding Akash tablet, you can call on toll-free number (India) at 18001802180.


Youtube Black Screen Problem on Fullscreen : Solution

Youtube has changed the internet video world drastically. Almost all of us use youtube (on firefox, chrome, opera and on internet explorer) to watch our favorite videos, and Enjoyment becomes double when we watch the videos in full-screen.

But some of the people are facing a problem that When they play any youtube video and click on full screen option, it shows a black / blank screen, while the audio and annotations are still playing. And when they return to the normal browser screen, this problem gets resolved and video starts playing along with the music and annotations.

If you do have the same problem then OriginalTips has got a solution for you.

1. Go to

2. Search and Play any video of your choice

3. Now right click in the video playing area, and click on settings option.

Youtube video full screen error solution-1

4. Then go to the first tab, you’ll see that the option Enable hardware Acceleration is already selected, then unselect it.

Youtube video full screen error solution-2

5. Then close this Pop-Up

Youtube video full screen error solution-3

Now you will be able to see the youtube videos in full screen without any problem. 🙂


How to Rename a batch of Photos or Files all at once ?

Most of the times you need to rename a batch of photos or a batch of files, so that it could look in a proper sequence. For example, after copying the camera photos in PC, you see that they are something like DCIM, DCIM0001, DSC or IMG etc., which isn’t easy to memorize.

So if you want them in a sequence, you need them to organized like 001, 002, 003 etc.

You can do it by the following method of renaming all photos/files automatically in a batch mode.

1. Download and install RenameX.

2. Open RenameX, and Drag and drop all images/files that are to be renamed.

RenameX Files-1

2. Now go to the Rename tab and select the Output Format and name according to your wish. You can also Append or Prepend words in the filenames.

RenameX Files-2

3. You can also use regular expressions to replace specific word(s) from each file’s name. To do so, go to Replace text-field, and write the name you need to replace (viz. IMG), and then Write the Word you need to replace it with (viz. PIC)

RenameX Files-3

After selecting all required options, click on Replace button and all files will get renamed as per your choice.

The features of RenameX are,

1. It can Rename your files with an index (viz. 001, 002, 003…)
2. It can Rename your files appending/prepending string with an index (viz. DCIM0001, DCIM…)
3. It can Replace string in a bundled name (with or w/o RegExp)
4. It can Replace files’ suffix (viz. html to php…)

Main Operating Systems Portable Drives Technology Windows

How to install Windows XP on Pen Drive / USB Flash Drive

There are many reasons to install Windows XP on the USB Pendrive. For example, if you have a Laptop/Netbook, which doesn’t have CD/DVD-ROM in it, then you can run Windows XP from the USB Drive.

The simplest tool which can be used for his purpose is SARDU – Multiboot CD/DVD and USB Builder.

SARDU Software
SARDU Software

Here is the procedure to install Windows XP on a USB Drive.

1. Make an ISO file of your Windows XP Operating System Disc, and rename it to Win_XP_Pro.iso or Win_XP_64.iso or Win_XP_Home.iso etc. You can do it via any ISO Creator (for example, Magic ISO, Ultra ISO, LC ISO (Free) etc.).

2. Now download the SARDU, unzip it. Now copy the XP’s ISO file (Win_XP_*.iso) to the folder SARDU/ISO

SARDU USB Windows Installer
SARDU USB Windows Installer

3. Now run SARDU software, go to the Windows Tab, and check the Windows Installer ISO file.

4. Now click on Search USB and choose the Drive from that list.

SARDU - Select USB, and Hit on Create
SARDU - Select USB, and Hit on Create

5. Then click onto the USB Button to install the Windows XP on USB.

Now you have Windows XP in your USB Pen Drive.


How to Get Facebook Username with own Profile Link / URL ?

Almost all of us are using Facebook for the social netwoking, but the facebook profile link gives some dissatisfaction as it is not memorable.

For example, you can get

instead of,

To do so,

1. visit,

facebook profile url username

2. And now select the username of your choice, after checking for its availability.

facebook profile url username

After completing it, you will get a memorable facebook profile link, which could be easily shared with you friends, and circles.


How to delete the existing Post Revisions in WordPress ?

Earlier you have read how to disable the post revisions, but what, if you already have a number of post revisions in your wordpress database?

Here is the procedure to delete the existing post revisions in wordpress database.

1. Go to the phpMyAdmin or sql-manager to manage the wordpress database on your hosting service provider.

2. Now select the wordpress database, from which you want to remove the post revisions.

3. Now go to the SQL Tab, available at top in the options menu.

4. Paste

DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = "revision";

in the text-area and Hit the Go button.

5. You’ll get a alert stating

Do you really want to :
DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = "revision";

Click on OK button.

6. After a few moments, you’ll get the confirmation message (depending upon the available post revisions in that database).

That’s all.


How to Turn off or Disable the Post revisions in WordPress ?

This post is for the WordPress Bloggers, who want to elimination the redundancy of data in the WordPress Database.

As most of the bloggers know that WordPress internally saves each revision as a different post. Means if someone writes a post, and modifies it 10 times, then that particular post will be saved at 11 separate places, which is really annoying for the people who don’t want to keep all revisions, instead they just want to modify the post without making duplicates of that post.

So, here is the solution to get rid of the Post revisions in wordpress.

1. Go to your web file-system of wordpress, after logging in with your FTP username and password.

2. Right click on the wp-config.php file and then click on Edit option. (If Edit option is not available, then copy that wp-config.php file to your computer and open it in notepad.)

3. Now go to the last line of the page, and place

define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false);

before the ?> php closing tag.

4. Save and overwrite it with the old wp-config.php file.

Now onwards, this particular wordpress installation will not save the revisions whenever you modify any post.

Click here to know How to delete the existing Post Revisions in WordPress.


How to Create an Additional Drive on your Computer – Windows 7

We all need secondary or additional drives on our computer to manage the data easily. For example, we can divide our hard disk into 4 partitions: C-Drive for Windows, D-drive for Media, E-drive for Software and F-drive for keeping all Documents.

There are a number of ways, by which you can easily manage the partitions on your hard-disk.

One of such tool is provided free with the Windows 7 – Windows 7 Disk Management System:

1. Go to Windows Search Box, type Disk Management and you’ll see an option by the name Create and Format hard disk partitions, click on it.

2. Now perform a right click onto the primary partition (e.g. C-Drive) and hit the Shrink Volume option. Windows Disk Management

3. After a few moments, a screen will prompt to enter size to shrink the C-drive (Depending upon the size of your C-drive). Just enter the required size, and click the Shrink button. Windows Disk Management

4. Now do the right click on that newly created partition, and hit the New Simple Volume option. This option will take you to a wizard, after completing which, your new partition gets ready to use. Windows Disk Management

Computers Internet Virals Main News Online Services Technology

WP Site Protector Pro – A Powerful Security Plugin for WordPress Website Protection

WP Site Protector Pro (Also known as WordPress Site Protector Plugin), is an unique plugin from ExattoSoft, which provides full security to the wordpress based websites.

WP Site Protector is developed for the protection of Site’s contents and Images from frequent attacks by the plagiarists. Unlike all other security plugins, WP Site Protector not only imposes restriction on mouse right click and text-selection, but it also restricts images from being copied and encodes all page data. Hence it provides a reliable protection of Content/Data and Images.

As per the ExattoSoft statement “WP Site Protector Pro makes it very easy to put every possible protection to your very-own precious content and images from being stolen or copied.”

WP Site Protector Features,  Specifications and Reviews
WP Site Protector Features, Specifications and Reviews

WP Site Protector Pro could be installed on any version of WordPress. ExattoSoft has also provided a free version of this plugin,  but I would recommend buying a pro version, as free one just provides the basic security to the site like Restricting Text-Selection and Mouse Right Click.

WP Site Protector Pro comes in four licenses,

  1. Single Site License for USD $30.
  2. Upto 5 Sites License for USD $120.
  3. Upto 10 Sites License for USD $210.
  4. Unlimited Sites License for USD $600.

Click here to buy WP Site Protector Pro, or visit